Winter weather need to knows for families, staff

Winter weather need to knows for families, staff

With winter weather around the corner, Carrollton-Farmers Branch ISD wants to remind students, families and staff about winter weather protocols. 

The district monitors bad weather forecasts to determine if an adjustment to the instructional day is necessary, keeping student, staff and community safety top of mind.

In the event a decision is made to close or delay school, CFBISD will begin notifying parents, students and staff via several communication methods as quickly and as early as possible. Notification will be sent no later than 6 a.m. using the following platforms:

  • ParentSquare Notification System: Rapid phone call and text messaging system
    • It is vital parents ensure up-to-date contact information is in the system for messages to be received 
  • District website
  • District social media (Facebook, X and Instagram)

Local news media will also be alerted to help inform the community. 

How is the decision made?
District leadership continually monitors temperature and precipitation levels to project the threat to roads, driveways and sidewalks. 

Postponing or canceling classes is based on an analysis of all available information at the time the critical decision must be made, such as:

  • Consultation with local emergency management, law enforcement and weather experts: In addition to monitoring local weather forecasts, CFBISD participates in ongoing emergency management conference calls with city and county officials.
  • Information on road and sidewalk conditions from transportation operations staff: CFBISD transportation staff serves as the internal experts on area roads. Eyewitness reports from staff provide an invaluable addition to regional emergency management reports.
  • Weather: CFBISD will evaluate any disruption to facilities that might prove hazardous, such as electrical, heat and water services.
  • Current and projected weather conditions: Because students and staff walk, bike and ride in cars to school beginning as early as 5 a.m., CFBISD evaluates current and predicted weather conditions after consulting with regional experts. Reports of accumulated, projected and/or clearing of road hazards are taken into consideration in the early morning hours.
  • Consideration of neighboring school districts’ and universities’ decisions: Collaboration with neighboring districts will occur to gain a better understanding of how the area is affected by inclement weather conditions. While each district is unique, this partnership allows all districts to have a more complete understanding of weather conditions.

Who makes the decision?
A team of district leadership gathers information and makes recommendations from the information and sources above. Ultimately, the superintendent or associate superintendent will make a decision on whether or not to modify the regular school schedule.

If bad weather is expected in the area, what should I do?
Weather updates can occur rapidly. To avoid miscommunication, please check the CFB website and social media platforms for the most up-to-date and accurate information. 

How do I find out if my child’s after-school activity has been canceled?
The district and/or your child’s campus will alert you if after-school activities are canceled. Please make sure to check both district and campus websites and social media platforms for the most up-to-date and accurate information.

Winter weather preparations:
As a standard protocol, the CFBISD Facilities team prepares for winter weather by monitoring plumbing, electrical, grounds and general maintenance items at all buildings. In the event of low temperatures, facilities will closely monitor all outdoor plumbing systems and adjust accordingly. If the district closes due to inclement weather, the team will inspect buildings once temperatures rise above freezing.

CFBISD Transportation also conducts standard pre-trip inspections on all buses, ensuring the proper function of heating elements, lights and windshield wipers. Drivers will also verify fluid levels. As a preventative measure, drivers routinely maintain fuel tanks at least half full to minimize the formation of ice crystals and condensation.